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Lisandra Marina Da Rocha Meneses
Dr. Lisandra Meneses received her PhD degree from the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia) in the field of Engineering Sciences. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy and a Master of Science in Management and Nature Conservation, both from the University of Azores in Portugal. Dr. Meneses has a total of nine years of international work experience obtained in Poland, Estonia, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Sweden, Australia, Ireland, and Angola. Currently, Dr. Lisandra Meneses is a Visiting Professor at Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia). She also assumes responsibility as Associate Editor of the journal Agronomy Research (Estonia) and has been involved in the organization of scientific conferences and workshops since 2013. Dr. Meneses was recognized as one of 60 impactful women in Middle East in 2024 in sustainability, climate innovation, and leadership (BCG V60 Award) by the American Company Boston Consulting Group. She is also recipient of the award L'Oréal Baltic program "Women in Science": 2020 Young Talent for Estonia. Her main areas of interest include bioresource recovery, value-added products, zero-waste, circular economy, process integration, biorefinery, and biofuels.
Researcher Id: A-2368-2017
ORCID: 0000-0003-1196-9522